Andrei Glushetsky
Born in 1954.
1976 — Graduated from the Economics department of Moscow State University.
In 1976–1981 — junior researcher at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
In 1979 — defended his thesis “The Economic Content of Property of Public Organizations” for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.
In 2012 — defended his doctoral thesis in the fields of “Economics and management of national economy” and “Finance, money circulation and credit” within the scope of “Conceptual and applied aspects of placement of equity securities (shares)”.
In 1981–1994 — Senior researcher, then leading researcher, and deputy head of a laboratory at the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University.
Since 1984 — has been Deputy Chief Editor of the weekly “Economics and Life” and Director General of the “Business Information Centre” of the weekly “Economics and Life”.
Since 1994 — delivers courses on “Corporate Law and Governance in Joint Stock Companies”, “Transactions in securities”, “Holding strategies” at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the Higher School of Privatization.
Since 1996 — conducts scientific and educational activities at the Higher School of Finance and Management.
Lives in Moscow.